For Wine & Beer Purchases Please Verify you are over 21. Thank you!
or ExitWinter Hours: Wed and Fri noon-5:30pm
FREE Easter Bunny Visit w/community cupboard donation.
Suggested donations for the community cupboard...
* Peanut Butter in plastic jars
* Jelly in plastic jars
* Canned Pasta, i.e., Beefaroni, Ravioli, etc. with tab opener (no need for a can opener)
* Canned Tuna or Canned Chicken
* Canned Fruit & Vegetables
* Canned Beans, especially Baked Bean and Pork and Beans
* Spaghetti & Spaghetti Sauce (No Glass Jars)
* Canned or Boxed Soup
* Mac & Cheese & Ramon Noodles
* Crackers with either Peanut Butter or Cheese
* Powdered Milk
* Breakfast Foods, i.e., Cereals, Pop Tarts, Breakfast Bars
* Snack Foods, especially protein bars, granola bars, fruit bars
* Bar Soap
* Toothpaste
* Deodorant
* Body Wash
* Feminine Hygiene Products & Diapers
* Toilet Paper
*Dog and Cat Food
©2025 Rhoads Garden Center :: All Rights Reserved :: Site by Allison Steele & Aubrey Strother